Enhanced Data Security Features

Disaster Recovery

The primary and foremost aspect of a disaster recovery plan is the cloud. The fact remains that every cloud has unique advantages. It is no secret that the cloud is the best option for both business continuity and disaster recovery.

Business Continuity

Enable your business with a streamlined service for both business continuity and disaster recovery. You simply eliminate the need to operate a separate disaster recovery data center (or recovery site) with Shareorigin. Shareorigin enables file synchronization and sharing between multiple sites for seamless disaster recovery. Shareorigin incorporates the practice of having backups and redundant workloads components in place.

Secure File Sharing and Enhanced Data Security

Shareorigin helps businesses mobilize their file servers by enhancing existing Windows file servers with secure remote acccess, mobile file sharing, data protection and cloud migration, while addressing business concerns about security, privacy, compliance and control.

    Data at Rest Encryption

    Encryption protects data by rendering it unintelligible to unauthorized access. These tools and techniques are important because they support objectives such as preventing financial loss or complying with regulatory obligations. Shareorigin encrypts data at rest and in transit with military grade encryption.

Exactly what I am looking for!

Co-Editing and Authoring

Collaborate on projects with internal and external users using native applications or Office 365 integration.

Version control and conflict detection

Version control prevents accidental modification and deletion of files, with extra layers of conflict detection to facilitate offline collaboration.

Secure Data Room

Secure access to files with view-only permissions. Disable downloading and editing to create a secure data room.

Ransomware Protection

Shareorigin adds ransomware protection and automatic alert mechanism to your file servers. It continously monitors all the Shareorigin clients for any unusual activity and will automatically shut them down if it sees a possible attack.

Eliminate data sprawl

Shareorigin removes any need for businesses to rely on a VPN or a company computer to securely access files. With Shareorigin, data sprawl is eliminated as data stays on local file servers and mobile productivity is balanced by centralized management and access controls.

Hide the Folder that User Doesn't Have Permissions for

Shareorigin natively integrates with Active Directory and maintains all the existing NTFS permissions and there is no need to recreate any user identities.

    Advanced Security

    Use server side antivirus integration to scan files before they are uploaded. You dont need to install Anti-Virus on endpoints.

      Define Anti-Virus and Ransomware Policies

      Specify group policies in Shareorigin to prevent the spread of malware (especially ransomware) and viruses.

    • Specify processes allowed to update files
    • Prevent executables specified from opening files directly from the cloud drive
    • Disable a device if the device changes more than a specified number of files within a 10 minute window (Note: Setting this number too low risks disabling legitimate access from a device.)
    • Define processes to be ignored when applying the above policy (e.g processes that are known to make changes frequently)
    • Disable uploading of files with names that contain specific text patterns
    • Disable uploading of files that start with defined strings
    • Disable uploading of files that end with defined strings

Endpoint Protection

    Local Cache Encryption

    With military grade encryption and secure connections, use existing users and permissions to save setup time and money. Files stay on local file servers and are encrypted at the end point cache. Remote wipe Shareorigin data from lost or stolen devices.


    Provide publicly accessible links to email signatures, websites, and more for your external sharing needs.

Learn more

Why Do I Need a Cloud Assessment?

A cloud assessment is recommended to:

  • Establish the cloud readiness of your unique application.
  • Identify workload requirements, resources, and dependencies.
  • Determine the best strategy that is most cost-effective for your business needs.
  • Schedule your free cloud assessment now!

    Fully managed private cloud with built-in hybrid cloud capability.

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